Knowing God and Applying His Word Together
The gathered church on Sunday mornings is essential, but discipleship groups provide a crucial context for us to be the church by serving one another and building intentional relationships around God’s Word in a smaller group setting. Discipleship groups connect you to the body of Christ so that you can grow in your knowledge of God, use your spiritual gifts, and serve His people. Discipleship groups are not a “one-size-fits-all.” Therefore, you will find a variety of groups listed below.

Home Groups

Home groups expand discipleship outside the four walls of the church building. Home groups provide a more intimate small group setting so that you can grow, love, and serve with fellow believers. Home groups are scattered all across Northeast Ohio. Scroll down to find a group near you! 


Leader: Steve Blake
Hosts: Mark and Melissa Smith
Time: 7-8:30


Leader: Todd Timco
Hosts:Todd and Amy Timco
Time: 7-8:30

wednesday evenings in chagrin falls

Leader: Dave Fry
Hosts: Doug and Nealie D’Abate
Time: 7-8:30

Thursday evenings in novelty

Leader: Seth Jones
Hosts: Seth and Karen Jones
Time: 7-8:30


Leader: Thad Bergmeier
Hosts: Paul and Melissa Howard
Time: 7-8:30

Thursday EVENINGS IN Willoughby

Leader: Vince Costanzo
Host: Audra Giamei
Time: 7-8:30


Leader: Dan Stomski
Hosts: Dan and Gail Stomski
Time: 7-8:30

Not finding what you're looking for?
Let us help you find a group that works for you.


Women's Bible Study
The Wisdom of God
Jesus himself makes it clear that we can search the Old Testament and find him there because "the sacred writings" are able to make you WISE for salvation through him.

Join us for a ten- week study on "The Wisdom of God: Seeing Jesus in the Psalms and Wisdom Literature" by Nancy Guthrie.

Order your book today!

Fridays, September 9–November 18, 9:30 AM—11:00 AM or
Saturdays, September 17–November 19, 10:00 AM—11:30 AM

*Childcare will be provided for the Friday class only.

Men's Group

Join us on the 2nd Saturday of June, July, and August for breakfast and time in the Word. 
"Be watchful, stand firm in the faith, act like men, be strong. Let all that you do be done in love." 1 Cor. 16:13-14

Senior's Group

Senior's Bible Study
The Attributes of God

Come join the senior saints for a sweet time of fellowship, solid Biblical teaching, and prayer for one another! The senior’s group meets at Riverview Church every other Tuesday morning at 10 am. Currently, the group is studying "The Attributes of God" by Stephen Lawson. 

Discipleship group fAqs

Do groups offer childcare? 
Each discipleship group seeks to serve one another and determine how to best care for young children so that families can participate. Contact your discipleship group leader to find out more information.

Can my kids participate? 
Yes, kids ages 12 and up are welcome to participate in discipleship groups.

How big are the home groups?
We aim to follow the example of Jesus in his discipleship group ministry of twelve disciples. Home groups consistently larger than twelve adults will multiply into more home groups.

There is not a discipleship group with a time or location that works for me. What do I do?

Groups are always changing. Let us know where and when works best for you!