What to Expect

Sunday Morning Worship (10:30 am)

At Riverview, we are all about making mature disciples of Jesus by the power of His Word. Wherever you are on the discipleship pathway, there's a place for you here! We want to help you take one step closer in following Jesus.

The gathered church is the greenhouse for discipleship. Christ uniquely meets, blesses, and rules over His church by His Spirit through His Word (Ephesians 5:18-20; Matthew 18:20; 28:18-20). The Bible must be in the driver's seat in all we do. We desire for every sermon, song, prayer, and practice to be saturated in the written Word which testifies to the incarnate Word, Jesus Christ (John 5:39).

Our worship service consists of five biblical elements:
Singing the Word
Music steeped in Scripture is a powerful tool given to worship God (Psalm 150). More than mere performance, musical worship is a whole-congregation experience. By singing Psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs, we teach and admonish one another and so let the word of Christ dwell in us richly (Colossians 3:16). For this reason, we are not content to sing worship songs that are popular but lack theological substance. Rather, we’re vigilant to ensure they are doctrinally rich and reverently expressive. Our goal is God’s glory. At Riverview, our music is a blend of contemporary songs with traditional hymns (some examples of modern musical groups include Sovereign Grace, CityAlight, Matt Boswell, and Keith & Kristyn Getty).
Praying the Word
Prayer is the church's lifeline. It was essential for the early church, and it is essential for the church today (Acts 2:42). When God's people go before the throne of God, they find sufficient grace in times of need (Hebrews 4:14-16). Throughout the service, a pastor/elder will lead in prayer often using Scripture to help direct our thoughts Godward. On special occasions, there are times when the whole congregation engages in corporate intercession and prayer (e.g., International Day of Prayer for the Persecuted Church or Sanctity of Life Sunday).
Preaching the Word
We hunger for God's Word, not man's opinions. The Bible alone is our final authority and sufficient to teach us everything we need to trust God and obey him completely (2 Timothy 3:16-17; 2 Peter 1:3-4). Because of this, we place a high value on expository preaching—that is, preaching that is faithful to the biblical text by examining it verse-by-verse and line-by-line. Thus, our regular practice is to walk through entire books of the Bible so that we receive the whole counsel of God. Furthermore, priority on the Word allows Christian preaching to naturally land on the Gospel runway and unapologetically proclaim the person and work of Jesus Christ – the climactic focal point of all Scripture (John 5:39; Luke 24:25-27). In short, we proclaim Christ (Colossians 1:28-29).
Living the Word
The loving fellowship of the local church is one of the main ways the world knows we are disciples of Jesus (John 13:34-35). Every single picture of what it means to be a Christian in the New Testament is in community with one another: we are a body with one Head (Colossians 1:18), a nation under one King (1 Peter 2:9), a flock under one Shepherd (Acts 20:28), a household with one Father (1 Timothy 3:15), and a building built upon one Cornerstone (1 Peter 2:5-8). At Riverview, we hope you see and experience the sincere love we have for one another as you are greeted by your neighbor in the service, stay for a church-wide family meal on the first Sunday of every month, or linger afterward for meaningful fellowship with other believers.

While Gospel fellowship might begin on a Sunday morning, it is rarely where it ends! Discipleship groups foster greater obedience to the many "one another" commands as we meet in smaller contexts during the week to apply God's Word together. To find a discipleship group near you, click here!
Seeing the Word
The church beautifully illustrates the Gospel through two New Testament practices: baptism and the Lord's Supper. On Sunday mornings with baptisms, we love to celebrate spiritual new birth by hearing the testimony of the Lord's work and immersing the new believer in the waters of baptism. Baptism is an outward symbol of an inward change – a drama of the believer's union with the death, burial, and resurrection of Christ (Romans 6:1-11; Galatians 3:26-28). Do you desire to follow the Lord and be baptized? Click here to Connect with a Pastor.

In addition, on the first Sunday of every month, we remember the death of our Lord Jesus by partaking in the Lord's Table together. Before His death, Jesus instituted the breaking of bread (representing His body) and the drinking of the cup (representing His blood) as a symbolic way to live in light of His once-for-all sacrifice for our sins (Matthew 26:26-29). The gathered church proclaims His saving death to a dying world until He comes again (1 Corinthians 11:26). After prayerful self-examination and confession, we invite you to partake in the table if you have trusted in Jesus for salvation (1 Corinthians 11:17-34).

Frequently Asked Questions

What is preaching like?
The regular pattern of the pulpit ministry is to take a book of the Bible and explain it in context verse-by-verse while applying it to our lives.  
What about children?
While you are welcome to keep your kids in the service, we do offer children’s church for infants through 3rd grade. Click here to learn more information.
How long is the service?
The Sunday morning worship service usually ends at noon (around 90 minutes).
How many services to you have?
We have one service that starts at 10:30 am and ends at noon.
What should I wear?
Some people dress up and others wear jeans; you’ll fit in either way!
Where are the bathrooms located?
The majority of bathrooms are downstairs and immediately to the right (men) or left (women). However, there is an accessible bathroom on the main floor in the foyer next to the coat rack.
What type of Bible translation do you use?
While we primarily use the English Standard Version (ESV), there are many faithful translations available (e.g., LSB, CSB, NASB, NKJV, KJV, etc.).
How do I give?
You can give in person (offering boxes are located in the foyer and worship center), by mail, or online. Click here for more information.
Do you practice an open or closed Lord’s Table?
Churches that practice a "closed" table typically mean that only members in good standing at that local church may partake in the Lord's Table. Whereas churches that practice an "open" table typically mean that genuine believers in Christ – even if they are not members of that particular church – may partake in the elements. At Riverview, we practice an open table for those who are genuine believers after self-examining prayer.
How do I get involved in a Discipleship Group?
Discipleship groups connect you to the body of Christ so that you can grow in your knowledge of God, use your spiritual gifts, and serve His people. Discipleship groups are not a “one-size-fits-all.” Click here to see the various Discipleship groups offered. After finding one, simply reach out to the leader for more information.
How do I download the Riverview App?
Click here to download the app from iTunes, Google Play, or the Amazon App Store.
Would you like to be contacted by a pastor?
Fill out this form and a pastor will contact you soon. 
Are you looking to join a new church?
We are excited to partner with you in advancing God's kingdom through His church! The first step towards church membership is to attend a Discovery Class (offered quarterly). Sign up for the next Discovery Class here.
Why do you meet on Sunday mornings?
The early church gathered on Sunday mornings – the first day of the week – in light of the resurrection of Jesus. Therefore, Sunday is the Lord's Day to worship Christ and gather in His name (Acts 20:7; 1 Corinthians 16:2; Revelation 1:10)
What's parking like?
While there is plenty of parking available on-site, the front entrance avoids stairs to the main floor.