Don Linz (Serving in Mission)
Don and his late wife, Barb, served in Ethiopia four years and in Liberia for seven years. Most of that time was spent teaching in Bible colleges. They were on home staff at the SIM headquarters in the Midwest and in Charlotte, NC for 21 years. Though Don is formally retired, he still serves in South Carolina with SIM as a mentor to other missionaries and those in training.
Thad and Monique Bergmeier (ABWE)
Thad and Monique work primarily to connect with local churches and pastors, helping them increase the health and capacity of their church to reach EVERYETHNE in their circles of influence and multiply churches across North America.
John and April McDuffee (SEND International)
John and April serve with SEND International, which is a mission agency committed to starting and reproducing churches for the unreached. John is the lead pastor of a church plant in Madrid and has also trained faithful men to do the work of the ministry.
Mark and Patti Bean (Wycliffe)
Mark and Patti seek to bring the Scripture to the Quechua people in the Andes Mountains of Peru in their own language. While the majority of their work focuses on translation, church planting and leadership development have become a natural consequence of their investment.
Arian and Yalisdeny Molina (ABWE)
Arian, Yalisdeny (Yaly), and their sons, Pablo and David, are from the Caribbean island of Cuba. Having planted several churches in Cuba and Ecuador, God has given them the vision to start a church-planting movement among Hispanics in the United States, beginning in Ohio. Arian is passionate about studying and teaching the Bible, witnessing to others about Christ, growing and planting churches, and training leaders, especially church planters and missionaries. Right now, Arian and his family are serving the Lord in in Guyana while they wait for final approval to immigrate to the US.
Steve and Marissol Theis (SCORE)
Steve and Marissol are assisting local churches in Brazil through the organization of youth camps that focus on evangelism and leadership development.
Pastoral Training in India
We partner with a Pastor Training Institute to raise up the next generation of Indian Bible expositors and church planters. This is done through a three-year seminary program and a church planting association.
Church Planting Team in North Africa
We partner with a church plant team seeking to bring the gospel to an unreached people group in North Africa.
Don and his late wife, Barb, served in Ethiopia four years and in Liberia for seven years. Most of that time was spent teaching in Bible colleges. They were on home staff at the SIM headquarters in the Midwest and in Charlotte, NC for 21 years. Though Don is formally retired, he still serves in South Carolina with SIM as a mentor to other missionaries and those in training.
Thad and Monique Bergmeier (ABWE)
Thad and Monique work primarily to connect with local churches and pastors, helping them increase the health and capacity of their church to reach EVERYETHNE in their circles of influence and multiply churches across North America.
John and April McDuffee (SEND International)
John and April serve with SEND International, which is a mission agency committed to starting and reproducing churches for the unreached. John is the lead pastor of a church plant in Madrid and has also trained faithful men to do the work of the ministry.
Mark and Patti Bean (Wycliffe)
Mark and Patti seek to bring the Scripture to the Quechua people in the Andes Mountains of Peru in their own language. While the majority of their work focuses on translation, church planting and leadership development have become a natural consequence of their investment.
Arian and Yalisdeny Molina (ABWE)
Arian, Yalisdeny (Yaly), and their sons, Pablo and David, are from the Caribbean island of Cuba. Having planted several churches in Cuba and Ecuador, God has given them the vision to start a church-planting movement among Hispanics in the United States, beginning in Ohio. Arian is passionate about studying and teaching the Bible, witnessing to others about Christ, growing and planting churches, and training leaders, especially church planters and missionaries. Right now, Arian and his family are serving the Lord in in Guyana while they wait for final approval to immigrate to the US.
Steve and Marissol Theis (SCORE)
Steve and Marissol are assisting local churches in Brazil through the organization of youth camps that focus on evangelism and leadership development.
Pastoral Training in India
We partner with a Pastor Training Institute to raise up the next generation of Indian Bible expositors and church planters. This is done through a three-year seminary program and a church planting association.
Church Planting Team in North Africa
We partner with a church plant team seeking to bring the gospel to an unreached people group in North Africa.